Weekend Roundup: October 30-November 5 + Blog Chain

Tweet of the Day: The 99 Miles of October


Mighty short week this one on account of my Interweb provider and their shoddy service.  No internet, no post. I guess I should just write them all in a day or so and them program wordpress to publish them on a daily basis, but the whole calendar widget is a bit wonky if you ask me.

You didn’t, I know, lets move on shall we?

Short and bitter, just the way I like it.

But wait, there is more.

(Yes there is always more, sigh!)

So I give you the AW November 2011  Blog Chain:

This month’s prompt:
NaBloPoMo – National Blog Posting Month (not affiliated with the real NaBloPoMo).

Write up a back cover blurb for a book you have written or would like to write. It should be short, sweet, yet give a sense of people and events without totally spoiling the ending. NaNoWriMo participation is not required, and the blurb may be for fiction or nonfiction as you see fit.


I decided to go with what else but my current NaNo project: Ruins of Empire. It is mercifully short:

 The Throne of Stars lays empty in the heart of the galaxy. Three centuries of conflict between the great Houses. A young Duke de Havilland takes his father’s place and must protect his people from a bloody incursion by the Imperial Guard. Can the newly crowned Duke survive the coming war and turn the tables on his enemies? Succeed, and he may win the hand of Lady Andrea, First Elector of House Kaiser and secure his House future. Fail, and the Imperial Guard will cut a swath of conquest from the Orion Arm to the Galactic Core.  Trillions of lives hang in the balance between freedom and tyranny.

Yep, that’s it. I suck. So be it.  😉


Participants and posts:
orion_mk3 – http://nonexistentbooks.wordpress.com (link to this month’s post)
Ralph Pines – https://ralfast.wordpress.com (link to this month’s post)
MysteryRiter – http://incessantdroningofaboredwriter.wordpress.com/ (link to this month’s post)
AuburnAssassin – http://clairegillian.com/ (link to this month’s post)
Jarrah Dale – http://brattysramblings.blogspot.com/ (link to this month’s post)
SinisterCola – http://acgatesblog.wordpress.com/ (link to this month’s post)
dolores haze – http://dianedooley.wordpress.com/ (link to this month’s post)
pyrosama – http://matrix-hole.blogspot.com/ (link to this month’s post)
Alynza – http://www.alynzasmith.blogspot.com/ (link to this month’s post)
writingismypassion – http://charityfaye.blogspot.com/ (link to this month’s post)
Cath – http://www.cathsmith.com/ (link to this month’s post)
Inkstrokes – http://drlong67.wordpress.com/ (link to this month’s post)
egoodlett – http://wordlarceny.blogspot.com/ (link to this month’s post)
LadyDae – http://ladydaewrites.blogspot.com/ (link to this month’s post)
SuzanneSeese – http://www.viewofsue.blogspot.com/ (link to this month’s post)
Anarchicq – http://anarchicq.com/ (link to this month’s post)


And this video is a bit of a repeat but I edited a few years back and thought I may post it again. Enjoy!

25 comments on “Weekend Roundup: October 30-November 5 + Blog Chain

  1. That was short, but dang, nice video! 🙂


  2. The blurb was short, but showed lots of promise. Best of luck with NaNo!


  3. […] (link to this month’s post) Ralph Pines – https://ralfast.wordpress.com (link to this month’s post) MysteryRiter – http://incessantdroningofaboredwriter.wordpress.com/ (YOU ARE HERE! CONGRATS, […]


  4. You’re right, it was short and sweet, but if I had read that on the back of a book, I definitely would have taken it home. 😀


  5. Blimy, call me batty but I think that three centuries is 300 years 🙂

    What I want to know is, 1) what happened to the dad, 2) how come he’s crowned if the throne was empty, and 3) what exactly is the risk?

    I know, I’m just a girl, and I usually fast-forward through the long battle scenes anyway (I’m the only person I know that watched LOTR in 3 hours instead of 9!) but it does beg the question: what exactly do you mean by bloody? Are there any cool weapons? Dragons? Magic? I’m assuming this is fantasy….so it could be all of the above and more!

    Keep writing,



    • It is. I tried to mix it up a little.

      1) Dad-dead.

      2)Crowned- Duke not Emperor.

      3)The stakes- the destruction of his House and the conquest of 1,100 worlds.

      Fantasy, no sci-fi.

      Like I said, I suck at these. They are either two short or too wordy. I can never get the hang of them.


  6. […] (link to this month’s post) Ralph Pines – https://ralfast.wordpress.com (link to this month’s post) MysteryRiter – http://incessantdroningofaboredwriter.wordpress.com/ (link to this […]


  7. Short but gives a lot of good info. Best of luck!


  8. […] to this month’s post) Ralph Pines – https://ralfast.wordpress.com (link to this month’s post) MysteryRiter – http://incessantdroningofaboredwriter.wordpress.com/ (link to this month’s […]


  9. Certainly caught my interest! Right into the meat and potatoes of the conflict!

    …now I’m hungry.


  10. […] to this month’s post) Ralph Pines – https://ralfast.wordpress.com (link to this month’s post) MysteryRiter – http://incessantdroningofaboredwriter.wordpress.com/ (link to this month’s […]


  11. Writing cover copy and pitches is not as easy as it sounds. People will always ask for more info and then tell you it’s too long. It’s a fine line and it’s even harder to do for an unfinished book. Depends one who you talk to. Some say 150-200 words is optimal for cover copy.
    Yes it could have a little more info, but it definitely caught my interest. I’d read it, for sure.


    • What I really have a problem with is making it shine, or at least make it stand out. A straight forward narration or plot line would merely fall flat. Glad you liked it.


  12. […] Ralph Pines — link to this month’s post […]


  13. I was thinking “pic fantasy” until I read Orion Arm. Might want to make the sci-fi angle clearer from the get-go, unless yours is a fantasy-fi mashup.

    It sounds like you have the power structure of your universe down cold, which is great. As a poor, befuddled layman, though, I was a bit overwhelmed by the flood of titles.

    It’s a good start. My advice? Move the sci-fi and the human element a bit more to the forefront.


  14. […] (link to this month’s post) Ralph Pines – https://ralfast.wordpress.com (link to this month’s post) MysteryRiter – http://incessantdroningofaboredwriter.wordpress.com/ (link to this […]


  15. Ooooh – Intergalactic conflict. Sounds interesting.


  16. So it sounds like an epic sci-fi or fantasy battle. Tell me more about the characters in the story, or something that makes their predicament unique and you’ll have me. Nice start though. Shorter is much, much harder than longer. Best of luck with this!


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