Archive | January 2011

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The Musical Chairs Blogfest: Countdown

This is my entry in this month’s Absolute Writer Water Cooler. The idea goes something like this: Why don’t we do a blogfest related to genres? A sort of musical chairs. As in, why don’t we all list our names, websites and preferred genre. Then through a fair and scientific method *cough* drawing names from […]

We got a winner

    New comp, connectivity problems and I know what my entry in the Musical Chairs Blog Fest is going to be about. But I’m not telling. At least, not yet…. 😉

Our Words

Okay, I started with a joke, of sorts, but I’m going to say something serious. I normally don’t mix politics with my writing, in so far that I don’t preach or push my political views on this blog. But…. I have the right to free speech. I have the responsibility to to use that right […]

Out of My Element

I signed up for AW’s January BlogFest-Musical Chairs BlogFest. It  goes something like this: Why don’t we do a blogfest related to genres? A sort of musical chairs. As in, why don’t we all list our names, websites and preferred genre. Then through a fair and scientific method *cough* drawing names from a cup *cough* […]

Moving Things Around

The new year means new projects, and old ones as well. Right now I’m looking at my second novel and ways to fix it. Essentially it still in it’s NaNo form, that is, too short, too thin, too mess up. I did finish it, but looking back, the added material feels tacked on after the […]