Archive | October 2008

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Off Topic: New Trailer Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince

Damn you Warner Brothers for pushing the release date to next year!

October Blogroll Roundup!

Good things come and go and so has this month blogroll. This one started with a lot of wine but no cheese. So with a little help from my friends from the Absolute Writer’s Forums I got back on my feet and working in no time. Unfocused Me shared the pain of juggling life and […]

Of Anxieties, Frustrations and Self Imposed Deadlines

Another month, another blogroll. Welcome fellow scribes and members of the AW Forums to my humble site. Before we begin, here are the rules of this thing we call a blogroll (paraphrased from the original): The first person (in this case, me) just makes a post on their blog. The person following (Unfocused Me) will […]