Archive | December 2008

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Isn’t it ironic….

2008 started with the specter of unfinished goals and family illness. I found out that my dad had cancer. I confronted his mortality head on and in doing so confronted my own. Faced with death, I chose to live, to deal, to move on. And so I started putting words together in this blog. Day […]

Rocking on Xmas Eve!

A rainy Xmas Eve here in the tropics. A bit depressing, but what the hell! Time to rock this Xmas Eve!

Resources for Writers

Inspired by recent posts on research by writers  I decided to compile a short list of the go to online resources that I use while writing. These are simply places for quick answers and clues and by no means do they substitute for in depth research and analysis. In no particular order: Wikipedia: A quick […]

My Life Tattooed on Someone Else’s Page

Something extremely weird happened to me a few nights back. I was reading my copy of Harry, A History by Melissa Anelli (which according to the front cover is the “Award-winning webmistress of the Leaky Cauldron” website) when I found myself. Literally. I read three pages that seemed ripped from my own life, the last […]

My Favorite Writers Blogs

In no particular order I present a list of blogs of, about writing and for writers that I check everyday: Spittin’ (out words) Like a Llama: Colby’s great blog about family, friends and writing (sometimes). Careful she has a wicked yet delicious sense of humor! Fantastical Imagination: Book reviews, publishing tips and so much more. […]

The Post NaNo Blues (or a convinient excuse for why I ain’t done $#@!)

I finished NaNo! Huzzah! Hooray! Yippe-kay yay! Now that we got that out of the way, lets get down to business. Procrastination, that evil hobgoblin (wait, has anyone known a hobgoblin that is not evil, except in a D&D campaign, never mind) that hunts writers everywhere. Yes, right now I should be working THE novel […]