Archive | July 2008

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Of Knights, Dragons and Ladies in Distress

There is something about being a passenger when your used to driving. First you can’t help but play backseat driver, even if only in your head. It doesn’t help when you’re in a foreign country where they drive on the opposite side of the road. Add an 18 year old driver who thinks that speedometers […]

Traiding Places

354 Church Drive laid on a suburban street radiating from the center of town. The road that lead directly to the village church. Hence the name. The medieval steeple anchored one  end of the road. The house was a nice, as far as houses goes. Two stories, sky blue on the outside and with a […]

The Business at Hand

The door chimed as I entered the offices of McMillan and Co. The waiting room was nice enough, a few chairs and a desk with an attractive young woman sitting behind it. Presented with two choices; either sit and wait or hand the letter over to the secretary and ask to see the solicitor. I […]

The Dead Hand that Reaches Beyond the Grave

The door chimed as I entered the offices of McMillan and Co. The waiting room was nice enough, a few chairs and a desk with an attractive young woman sitting behind it. Presented with two choices; either sit and wait or hand the letter over to the secretary and ask to see the solicitor I […]

Flights and Drives

One day I will make a list of all the things I hate. It will be broken down by subcategories, things that I loved and now hate, things I never really liked in the first place, and things that I despise. Flying falls into the first category. I loved to fly, but after that fateful […]