Tag Archive | trailers

Space for Rent: E3-Exposed to the Lights and Mirrors

    Tweet of the Day: The Racism Beat ——- Once again E3, the Electronic Entertainment Expo, the biggest event in the video game industry calendar, has arrived. A lot of noise and fury signifying…very little actually.  It is a parade of industry spokesmen in front of thousands of fans and game journalist onto a […]

Space for Rent: Incentuos Relationships

Tweet of the Day: Some Mechanism Underlying Narrative Tension ——- Scandal. Controversy. Distrust. Commingling. Fiduciary. Wait, what was that last one? 2fiduciary adjective :of, relating to, or involving a confidence or trust: as a :held or founded in trust or confidence b :holding in trust c : depending on public confidence for value or currency […]

We Interrupt Our Regularly Scheduled Post….(SPOILERS)

Tweet of the Day: Writing Life: On Muses and Writing ——– Yes, I saw it. (SPOILERS) The last movie. (SPOILERS) As if the big spoiler warning didn’t tip you off. (SPOILERS) Just in case: SPOILERS!!!OMGPONIES!!111!!!! Now that we got that out of the way….. Verdict: It was good. Not exceptional mind you, I think that […]

Story Seeds

What are the sources of your inspiration, they ask (whoever happens to ask the question, btw)? And I always reply: music and images. But how does that work exactly? How do you turn a piece of music or an image into a story? The answer lies in the picture above. Yes, it does! Someone saw […]

Monday Filler: More Harry Potter

Nothing much to say except that I found a few more Harry related trailers. Must watch movie when it comes out on July 15. The International Trailer: Ron in Love (or so he thinks): But who is really going out with whom, I wonder? End of line….