Tag Archive | the End

Severus the Rogue: Mon Badonicus

Tweet of the Day: Forever ——– 17 ——– The mountain rested between two sheets of fog. Wisps flew about the rounded summit in the early morning gloom, while at the base the a slower current broke against the hedgerows that separated it from the farmland. The dying embers of a dozen campfires glowed within the […]

We Interrupt Our Regularly Scheduled Post….(SPOILERS)

Tweet of the Day: Writing Life: On Muses and Writing ——– Yes, I saw it. (SPOILERS) The last movie. (SPOILERS) As if the big spoiler warning didn’t tip you off. (SPOILERS) Just in case: SPOILERS!!!OMGPONIES!!111!!!! Now that we got that out of the way….. Verdict: It was good. Not exceptional mind you, I think that […]

Weekend Roundup: May 15-21

Tweet of the Day: Rapture Reading Suggestions ——- So what happened last week? Sun- The Sunday Tweet dealt with sparkly vamps, ponies (OMGPONIES!!!!!111!!!) and David Mitchell. Mon- TV Tropes Monday brought to you by the letter Z for Zeerust (not the Z-Word). What happens when your sci-fi ideas get stale? Zeerust happens. Tue- Continuing our […]

Short Story Friday: The Gate-Aftermath

Tweet of the Day: Edge: Michael Crichton’s Congo ——- P.1 – P.12b ——- -Data Corruption at 81% ——- “Fight,” I said. With those words I rose upwards through the glass floor. Higher until I was level with Joseph. I punched him in the ear. He staggered back, fired streams of lighting, but my armor absorbed […]

My 30 Days of Writing-Days 29/30:End of the Line

Sorry for missing yesterday’s deadline. But in a strange way, answering these two questions in the same post brings a bit of symmetry to the end of this meme. So lets get to it, shall we? 29. How often do you think about writing? Ever come across something IRL that reminds you of your story/characters? […]