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Welcome to Lessons Learned

Tweet of the Day:  “Will Romance Blossom?”: A STAR WARS REBELS Report by Melisse Aires


Now, some of you gentle readers might be wondering what have I been doing while taking an impromptu hiatus from the blog.

Am I neck deep in NaNoWriMo 2014?

Burning the midnight oil on my latest novel?

Well, not quite. Yes, I am working on those things, and I haven’t given up on blogging, but I also expanded my horizons into the world of You Tube. That’s right, I’m about to join the legions of people talking and playing video games on You Tube. I’ve had a few ideas bouncing around my head for awhile and I decided that it would be best to send them out to the world via the InterWebs.  I’ve done podcasting before, a long time ago, but aside from some simple editing jobs using Windows Movie Maker, I haven’t done anything more advanced. Now I’ll be diving into that world. So if you care to take a look, and don’t mind my reedy voice, go ahead and take a look:



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