Tag Archive | franchise

We Interrupt Our Regularly Scheduled Post….(SPOILERS)

Tweet of the Day: Writing Life: On Muses and Writing ——– Yes, I saw it. (SPOILERS) The last movie. (SPOILERS) As if the big spoiler warning didn’t tip you off. (SPOILERS) Just in case: SPOILERS!!!OMGPONIES!!111!!!! Now that we got that out of the way….. Verdict: It was good. Not exceptional mind you, I think that […]

Based On: Books blasting the transmedia frontier

Every writer wants to have their books turned into movies…blah…blah…blah…. But wait, what was that? The book is better than the movie? But not all them, sometimes the movie  is teh awsome! Or at least adequate.  With all the media choices out there and the oh so successful media franchises (exploitative of their captive audiences, […]